Object storage bucket created in the cloud manager is not visible via the cli
Strange unexpected behaviour when listing buckets….via cli and cloud.
created bucket via
then set up…
added personal access token
linode-cli obj ls
does not show my bucket
If I make a bucket
linode-cli mb new-bucket
new-bucket is listed in the cli and cloud (only after a hard page refresh)
New-bucket is in us-east-1
I would like it to be in eu-central
other question: can have buckets in uk london?
2 Replies
The Cloud Manager uses caching, so without a refresh your account may not reflect the changes you made via the Linode CLI. Refreshing the page should solve this, though!
In order to move your Object Storage bucket from US-East to US-Central, you would need to create a new bucket in US-Central and copy over the data/objects. Regarding Object Storage availability in London, we don't yet have this feature available in our London data center. We're gradually working towards a wider availability of locations and appreciate your interest :)