How do I add cPanel to my Linode?

Linode Staff

I have a Linode that I've had services running on for a while, and would like to add cPanel to it. How do I do that?

2 Replies

It's not recommended to install cPanel onto a server that already has services running on it, as it will make changes to the server's configuration that will likely bring those services down. If you need to add cPanel to an already-deployed server, it's recommended to spin up a new Linode with cPanel installed on it, and then transfer your services over to the new Linode. You can follow the instructions in our guide on installing cPanel on CentOS, or with our One-Click App for cPanel/WHM.

If you spin up another Linode in the same datacenter as your current Linode, you can then swap IP addresses between them so you don't have to re-create any DNS records and wait for propagation.


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