Last 24 hours public outbound 1941.75 Mibit/s? Deduct $3773.13 from me. What happened?

Last 24 hours public outbound 1941.75 Mibit/s? Deduct $3773.13 from me. What happened?
There must be something wrong. Please help me.
Is my VPS attacked?

5 Replies

You should open a support ticket and/or call Linode, because there's nothing that can be done in the community forum.

I've been turning on ticket for five hours。

No one replied to me

I've been using it for five years and it's never happened. I don't know what to do。

Hi @mailes - apologies for the delay and thanks for reaching out. We have eyes on your tickets now, and we will have updates out to you shortly. We'll take a close look to find out what happened - hang in there.

@mailes While we do monitor activity here, opening a post on our Community Questions site is not a reliable way to get our attention for a quick response. In the future, if you've opened an urgent ticket and need a response from us right away, you should give us a call — we're available by phone 24/7/365 for precisely this reason.


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