How do I speed up my WordPress site?
My WordPress site is loading slowly. What can I do to speed this up?
3 Replies
Here's a few ideas for speeding up your site:
Disable slow plugins and themes. If you're not sure which plugins might be slow, try disabling as many as you can and then re-enable them one-by-one.
Use a page caching plugin like WP Rocket: tuning your web server configuration. If you're running Apache, Linode has a guide for doing this:
Linode now has a more detailed guide on this subject: How to Speed Up a WordPress Website
Nice @nmelehan didn't see that linked guide before :)
Folks should also check out the following 3 wordpress plugins
- keycdn cache enabler
- autoptimize
- clearfy
combined they do wonders - did some pagesped benchmarks at
along with more detailed look at