Is host56 down?

Is host56 down or something else?

I can't reach my node, and I can't log in to host56 either:

$ ssh
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out

However, the control panel shows it as "running".

The job queue doesn't show anything in the last two days.

– jp

5 Replies

I don't have a Xenode myself, but I can reach the SSH port to host56 just fine. I don't know what your Xenode IP is, so I can't say anything about that in particular.

Judging by the symptoms, though, it appears to be either a firewall block or a routing issue on your end.

Well. After a while, the control panel started to show the node as "Off", so I booted it and it's working now.

Funny thing.

– jp

Damn that sucks. I haven't been online since Tuesday. I come back today and discovered my Linode is powered off and probably been off since Friday (since the date of the previous post).

Why didn't my linode on host 56 reboot itself?

How long has it not been running?

Nodes not automatically restarting on host56 has been one of the issues people have mentioned in #linode-xenbeta … I've also had that problem.


Nodes not automatically restarting on host56 has been one of the issues people have mentioned in #linode-xenbeta … I've also had that problem.



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