Updating files on my server

I recently was able to successfully launch a Flask site via Linode following Cory Schafer's tutorial. I was able to put the necessary files (Python, CSS, HTML, etc.) on my server by cloning a Git repository. I'd now like to update some of those files. I've updated the files on my Git repository, but those changes haven't flown through to my site. What's the most efficient way to update those files to reflect the changes I've made?

4 Replies

In your git repository:

git commit -a              # make sure your changes are committed
git push origin <branch>   # <branch> is the name of your branch

In your cloned repository:

git pull origin <branch>   # <branch> is the name of your branch

If you only have one branch, < branch > will be master.

-- sw

Thanks for taking the time to respond. I did those commands, and they both went through successfully. On the server side, it definitely pulled the changes that I made. But, the site doesn't reflect those changes, even after a hard refresh. Is there a delay in those changes coming through on the site? Is there something else I need to do? Thanks again for your helpful response.

Did you restart the web server? If so, you may be suffering from a caching problem…the server is serving the cached page instead of the updated page…or your browser is serving a page it cached instead of going to the server to get the updated page.

Blow your browser cache however it is you do that. That should force the browser to tell the server to send a new page. Usually a restart blows the server cache but not always… You'll have to investigate how to do that with your particular server.

-- sw

I hadn't rebooted. I just did, and I now see my changes. Thanks a million for taking the time to help - very much appreciated!


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