Connecting to my Linode is very slow for some services, but just from one location.

Linode Staff

When I try to to connect to my Linode via SSH, my connection is very slow. I ran some ping tests using "" and it appears that there is very low latency . My Linode has plenty of memory and disk space, and my CPU is nearly idle.

1 Reply

Due to the worldwide shortage of IPv4 addresses, your ISP may only be able to provide your IPv4 internet access via an IPv6 gateway, in which case your IPv4 traffic needs to be encapsulated in IPv6 and then sent through the gateway which can add latency to your connection. This is especially true if your internet provider's gateway is heavily used by many customers.

You can test if this is your scenario by going to Google and searching "What is my IP". If you get a number separated by colons instead of periods, then this could the situation.

Symptoms of this:

  • Normal connectivity for most internet activity will be fast as many but not all common websites operate using both IPv6 and IPv4.
  • When connecting to some sites and services that are not configured to use IPv6, you connection will be slower, but accessible.
  • Connecting from a different network, such as work or a friends, that has an IPv4 address is much faster for the sites and services that are slow using your connection.

You can resolve this by configuring your Linode' services to use both IPv4 and IPv6 and accessing your Linode via its IPv6 address. If you want to use DNS, make sure that you add AAAA records for your Linode so your local computer can get your Linode's IPv6 address instead of an IPv4 address which will force your connection back through the slower IPv4 connection.


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