load balancing question

I have the following set up….

LB1 -> apache cluster (3 hosts) -> Gluster cluster (4 hosts w/ rep.)
LB2 -> db cluster (3 hosts w/ Galera)

My question is should this be how it is set up? The two load balancers would physically be the same one just have different rules to send data for apache to the apache cluster and then mariadb to the db cluster.

because of formatting it looks like lb1 is going to lb2. This is not true it is the apache cluster going to lb2

please let me know

2 Replies


Your attempt at providing a visual is appreciated. From what I gathered you're looking to direct traffic from your apache services to the apache cluster on LB1, and direct the MariaDB services to the MariaDB cluster on LB2.

Although I don't have access to your current configuration, I want to shed some light on the situation.

Please keep in mind that Apache listens on port 80, while MariaDB listens on port 3306. With that said you should have 2 physical load balancers with established configurations for both ports. We cover this more in-depth in ourGetting Started with Linode Load Balancers guide.

I also recommend taking a look at the following resources below:

High Availabilty
Apache Load Balancer
Galera Load Balancer Policies

WHy two different LBs? I found a way to do it with 1 physical LB


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