Domain not valid warning when trying to add it to domains

when I try to add a new domain to my linode domains, I get error in a form saying "Domain not valid".
I bought domain on GoDaddy, and I pointed nameservers
to (to ns5…).

7 Replies

Could you share what you're trying to enter (feel free to anonymize your domain), and how you're trying to enter it? If you're using our Cloud Manager's DNS Manager, when entering the domain, make sure that you're entering the full top level domain only along with a valid root zone, like

I have master option selected,
for domain name i have: đ (which is my domain).
SOA email adresa I just typed in my email.
I did not set any tags or records.


Could it be the letter “đ” which is confusing the system?

If you bought the domain at GoDaddy and pointed GoDaddy to the Linode domain servers, it's registered there. You don't need to register it again at Linode. You only need to register sub-domains at Linode (with A/AAAA records…and MX records if you're going to use mail). This is how my domain is set up.

-------    ->         (linode name server)


www  (A/AAAA record) ->   (linode IP address)
mail (A/AAAA record) ->   (linode IP address)
fred (A/AAAA record) ->   (linode IP address)


This should set up, and

This is how my domain is set up. I also have an MX record for and several TXT records for SPF, DMARC and DKIM.

-- sw

Thank you for answering,
but this doesn’t solve my problem.
I can not add records for my domain using linode manager because I cannot even add my domain there. It is special character “đ” which is preventing form from submitting.
And I can’t alter my DNS records using GoDaddy because it says “we cant display your dns records because your nameservers aren’t managed by us”


Hi @mk2001

You can switch your domain's name servers back to GoDaddy's by following these instructions that are laid out on their site.

Hope this helps!

@mk2001 --

You misunderstood… The only thing at GoDaddy should be a pointer to the Linode name servers for your domain name…NOT all the other stuff I described.

All the A/AAAA, MX & TXT records are set up in Linode's DNS system…not GoDaddy's.

-- sw


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