Did Host 56 reboot again

My Linode was powered off unexpectantly. Did 56 panic again?

6 Replies

No. Anything in console log?


Not sure I can't ssh into the host.

The ssh connection times out. I can't reboot my Linode, can't get my mail, load web pages or ssh in.

It's hurting my head. :cry:


Yay back up again, off a coding I will go 8)

Something happened to 56 where if it did go down my node didn't power back on.

It was down a bit today, it's back up now, seems to be running better too. 8)

My Linode didn't reboot this time either. Maybe it is running better because not everyone has logged in to issue a manual boot yet.

Perhaps, I'm not sure, but mine did come back up again so I don't really care to speculate too much, all I know is I hope it stays like this, it's burning along at the moment, with any luck no one will swap thrash the hell out of it. :)


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