I need help with SFTP Details

Linode Staff

What do I enter in the required fields to connect?

1 Reply

Hey - to get started, you may want to review these File Transfer guides. We may have covered the SFTP Client that you're using. Further, I hope the information below is insightful in finding the details needed to connect and use SFTP.

Destination Site URL

If this field is required for the SFTP Client you're using - you should enter the website domain you're attempting to connect with.

For example; thewebsite.com

Hostname (Destination Server IP/FTP Address)

This would be your Linode's Public IP address. It can be found the Networking tab of your Linode's Dashboard

FTP Username

Unless you created a limited user for your Linode, the username is most likely root

Please keep in mind - if you did create a limited user for your Linode - then, this may be different from the username used to login to the Cloud Manager.

FTP Password

You'd enter the password for the associated username - whether it be root or a limited username. Let's say you're using root and forgot the password - this guide will show you the steps to Reset the Root Password

If you're unable to connect with SFTP, then you may want to review this community post on Troubleshooting SSH. Since SFTP and SSH both use Port 22 - these steps should help get you connected.

Directory Path

If this is an option on the SFTP Client you're using - you may want to try connecting to the path below. This is suggested as its standard for web servers to use this directory.


If you have any further questions please do let us know. Happy to provide further guidance.


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