Finding my Linodes when I have lots and lots of them

Linode Staff

My company has lots of Linodes and paging through lists of Linodes in the Cloud Manager to find the ones that I want is a daunting task. I am looking to find Linodes that are clones of other ones. Are there any tricks I can use to make this easier?

1 Reply

Here are some possible aids that I can think of:

  • In the new Cloud Manager interface, you have the option of turning on "Group By Tag" and applying multiple tags to your Linode's to facilitate rapidly finding the ones you want.
    You can add a tag from any Linode's dashboard by clicking the (+) Add a New Tag button on the right hand column.

  • You can even search by tag from the list of Linodes.

If the label for the Linode you have created includes the word 'clone' for example, you can just search for the word "clone" in the search bar.

  • You can click on the Download CSV Link in fine print at the bottom of the list of Linodes and view the data in a spreadsheet. The Linodes without an "image" associated with them will most likely have been created by a clone.

  • I looked into our API to see if more advanced automation along these lines is possible. You might be able to look at the "image" field of the data returned by the "List Linodes" method to determine the Linodes that were not created from one of our distribution images. Further exploration may be necessary to determine how this is effected by a clone operation and if it helps you with finding the Linode's you are looking for.

I believe situation is complicated because a Linode does not appear to be considered strictly a clone of another Linode, Instead, it contains disks that are clones of another Linode's disks. For further information you see:

Linode API


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