PVC limits on LKE

Can I create more than 8 Persistent Volume Claims on LKE?

Last time I looked into it, the Linode Block Storage CSI Driver used Linode Volumes underneath and I know there's a limit of 8 Linode Volumes per Linode.

Also, are there any plans to reduce the minimum size of a volume? 10GiB will be far too much for most of the PVCs I'm looking to create (1 GiB would be better.

2 Replies

As far as I'm aware there's no limit to the number of PVCs you can make using the Block Storage driver, other than the total limit of 100TB per account for Block Storage.

As for the minimum volume size, I'll add a feature request in so the team here can look into it.

Unfortunately, I get the following error when I try to add a pod with a PVC to a node with 8 existing PVCs:

Warning FailedScheduling <unknown> default-scheduler 0/1 nodes are available: 1 node(s) exceed max volume count.</unknown>


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