How to transfer my Heroku Node.js app to Linode?
Can you please help me on how to transfer my node.js application from Heroku to Linode? And is it possible to enable billing with my debit card?
1 Reply
If your node.js application is just a collection of files, you can just copy them to your Linode any way that you typically copy other files (scp, WebDAV, etc.). You'll have to put the files in the right places and make sure all the required infrastructure is installed as well (I have no idea what this part might entail).
This may help as well:
If your debit card looks like a CC to the Linode's billing/payment system (as most debit cards from financial institutions do), you shouldn't have any problem with this. When you register the card, just tell Linode that it's an MC or VISA…depending on the flavor.
-- sw