How can I download my backup to my computer?

Linode Staff

How can I download my backup to my computer, thank you.

3 Replies

You can download a copy of your Linode backup to your computer pretty easily. We have a guide which explains the process:

Download a Local Copy of Your Linode Backup

One of the steps in the process is restoring the Backup you wish to download to either a new or existing Linode so that you can make the local copy from it. If you choose to restore that Backup to a new Linode, please remember that we bill hourly for Linode services. Because of that, you may want to delete that new Linode once the Backup has been downloaded from it so as to minimize the cost.

Sorry for my unclear question, how can I download Linode's Backup, my website is having a serious problem and the Backup can only restore that day I want to download data That's it, it's in the Backups section

At this time, it's not possible to download a copy of the backup from the Backup section to your local computer. This is a feature request that we are aware of but do not have an ETA on yet. @rgerke instructions are a workaround for this. You can download the data in the form of a local copy, but will first need to restore this backup to a new Linode, if the current one is having issues.

Below are the four backups you'll be able to restore from:

  • Daily backup: Automatically initiated daily within the backup window you select. Less than 24 hours old.
  • Current week’s backup: Automatically initiated weekly within the backup window, on the day you select. Less than 7 days old.
  • Last week’s backup: Automatically initiated weekly within the backup window, on the day you select. Between 8 and 14 days old.
  • Manual Snapshot: A user-initiated snapshot that stays the same until another snapshot is initiated.


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