Xampp & Laravel

How to install xampp server and Laravel framework?

1 Reply

You have a few options here, either using Laravel Forge for automating the entire installation process, using our LAMP One-Click app, or manually installing XAMPP.

Using Laravel Forge

If you aren't comfortable with installing, and updating, and administering software on a Linux server, the easiest way to move forward with installing a web server stack and Laravel on your Linode is to use Laravel Forge. Laravel Forge is a web-based control panel that manages Laravel's software stack on any server, including Linode. Keep in mind that this is a paid third-party option that is not directly supported by Linode. Here's our guide on getting started with Laravel Forge:

Use Laravel Forge to Automate Web-Server Creation on a Linode

LAMP Stack

Installing a LAMP Stack is a bit more involved than Laravel Forge, but may be easier than installing the XAMPP software, as we have a LAMP One-Click app that installs everything for you. A LAMP stack typically includes the following software:

  • Apache
  • PHP
  • MySQL

The One-Click app is based on Debian 9. If you require a different distribution or if you want more control over the software versions, you can install the LAMP stack manually. Here's a few guides that should help you out:


The XAMPP software stack includes very similar software to LAMP, with the exception of using MariaDB as a drop-in replacement to MySQL and the addition of PERL. While I don't have experience installing XAMPP, I was able to find instructions on the Apache Friends website.

  1. Deploy a new Linode. Some popular distributions include CentOS 8 and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. While doing this, I recommend following our Getting Started Guide and Securing you Server documentation.

  2. Download whichever XAMPP version you require. The difference between the downloads is just the OS requirements and PHP version.

  3. Once the file is on your Linode, run the following commands to install XAMPP:

    chmod 755 xampp-linux-*-installer.run
    sudo ./xampp-linux-*-installer.run

Installing Laravel

Once you have the core software installed, you can follow the Laravel Installation Guide on Laravel's website. Since Laravel uses Composer to manage the installation, you'll first need to install Composer on your server by reviewing the Composer Getting Started Guide.


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