Reboot: host56 (graceful) - fix for zombie domains

Linode Staff

Keir was fast with some patches… … 00193.html"> … 00058.html"> … 00059.html"> … 00060.html">

This will be another graceful shutdown. This will happen in about an hour. 1:30 PM Eastern.


15 Replies

I felt obligated to say Sweet!

Shutting down the nodes now and rebooting…


Heh, I was just telling a friend whose email I'm hosting that we'd probably see another reboot soon, and then I got the broadcast message from root. So I'm like "Uhh, sooner than soon. See you in a while!"

Still running like a scalded dog that is presently frozen…. I guess the quirks continue.

Same here – the node runs so slowly that it's taking more than a half hour to boot. :shock:

Anyway, sooner or later we'll have it running fast (because Xen is supposed to be faster than UML!) :)

That's the weird part… For a good long while, it was faster than UML. I don't know what changed, except possibly too many nodes, but people have moved off.


Something doesn't seem to be right:

Starting MySQL database server: mysqld...failed.
        Please take a look at the syslog.
/usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)'
Check that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' exists!
Starting PostgreSQL database server: postmaster(FAILED)
ERROR: Removing stale PID file and socket
ERROR: PostgreSQL postmaster did not start because of an unknown reason.
PostgreSQL's init script (/etc/init.d/postgresql) attempted
to start the postmaster, however, this failed because of an unknown

This should not happen and is a serious problem. Please examine the
situation (please take a look at the log files). If you know the
reason why it failed and, then please file a bug report to Debian
(unless the reason is something obvious like a full disk).

Debian PostgreSQL

I don't remember having seen this before in this node's boot messages.

However, postgres and mysql seem to be running. Go figure. :?

yea it's running like molasses in winter right now :( how many people are on the box? more or less then a normal linode?

In the overview page, the status bar shows the host as having "medium" load… So I suppose it's not the number of nodes, but some other problem (but I could be wrong…).

-- jp

Caker, any news? Did something go wrong in the patching process, perhaps, or is it an upstream bug?

I don't know about anyone else, but my node isn't very useful at this point. What happens next?

The Overview says the host is idle, but I can't download my mail right now.

When you shut my Linode down, it comes back up, but I don't know how you're killing it. MySQL does not restart nor does the websever. It's always due to certain files not being cleaned up. When the system is shut down or rebooted manually, this is never a problem, only when you "gracefully" shut down.

Funny. Today my node is OK –- an ssh session ran perfectly, apache is fast, and everything else is fine.

-- jp

The host started off very quick, then around the time of the first reboot was coughing something up pretty bad, it seemed to be tempremental for a bit, but since the last reboot it and the fix it seems to be very fast.

I'm not complaining, these are the kinds of things you sign up for when you get involved with a Beta, take the good with the bad, overall I think that Xen is King and I'm glad to be a part of it.

Don't stress too much boys.

Cheers 8)


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