How can I connect to my Linode from my phone or another mobile device?

Linode Staff

I want to SSH into my Linode from my phone. How can I do that?

1 Reply

There are several apps that emulate a terminal and can be used to access your Linode via SSH. I personally use JuiceSSH, and some others are ConnectBot and Termux. [Editor's Note: ConnectBot will default to an SSH key authentication, but you can click on that setting and change to password entry if desired.] Setting up a basic connection can be done by entering your Linode's IP address, root, and the root password. You can also access via a limited user account by entering the username and password for the user.

SSH key authentication is also possible via mobile connection, though it is a bit more challenging than setting up public key authentication from a computer.

For Android devices, you'll need to use a terminal emulator such as Termux that does not require you to create an SSH session. You can then use the command pkg install openssh and use OpenSSH to issue the key. Then, just follow our public key authentication guide.

For iOS devices, I'd recommend checking out this StackExchange post. You should be able to use an SSH terminal emulation app to issue the SSH key, then follow these directions to upload your key to your Linode.

Once you're able to log into your Linode via an SSH app, you're all set to go! To communicate between your local device and your Linode (such as transferring files) you'll need the IP address and a writable destination for your mobile device. The writable locations will depend on the individual device itself; the IP address can typically be found under the device's Settings.


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