List of Linode's IP ranges?

Linode Staff

I'd like to build an application that requires a database of Linode's IP ranges to authenticate against. Does Linode have one I can use?

4 Replies

We don't have a public database that contains all of our IP addresses or ranges, but there are some public ones. You can also try to gather this information via public tools like whois, but this will depend on your use case.

For example, you could try to program a "whois" search into your application for each connecting IP and check the "OrgName" field. This would be ideal as it'll be accurate regardless of if we add/remove/change an IP range.

I'm not sure how often 3rd party databases like the one I linked above update, so sticking to whois might be your best bet.

I know this is an old question but I was wondering..

I know that service providers purchase NEW ranges but how often would Linode actually abandon a netblock? I would assume once you get it, you'd want to keep it!

Also, can you publish all Linode, LLC ASNs? I'm sure AS63949 is only the tip of the iceberg.

Or even better: I'd love to find a service that let's you search for AS numbers by company name (not just Linode's).

I can't speak as to how often we acquire or abandon IP ranges, but as for your other questions Hurricane Electric has a public tool that's very useful for looking up info such as ranges and ASNs:

A quick edit: We also have this list of IP ranges and their

@Anonymouse --

You write:

Or even better: I'd love to find a service that lets you search for AS numbers by company name (not just Linode's). is probably your best bet. However, it's pay-for after a certain number of requests per some time period.

-- sw


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