Resource use for Longview
I'm wanting to set up Longview but I'm concerned about the potential resource use, particularly memory. Generally speaking, what kind of load can I expect to see in that regard?
2 Replies
One approach is to choose one or more 3rd party monitoring services for data collection on Longview.
A Googled sample might include:
Wikipedia sports many interesting software comparison pages, one of which is this:
Not exactly an answer in there, but builds a picture very quickly about what one's choice will be based on.
Here is an great answer provided by one of the Linode team members in a ticket:
Using Longview is an option as it does give a bit more granularity in what it reports. If you want to be able to get a quick accurate glance and what's going on in your Linode recently then Longview is a great choice. The thing to keep in mind about Longview is that the free client does not provide historical information. You would still need to rely on the graphs for usage older than 12 hours.
As far as the resources it takes up, the agent is very small and low profile. I have never encountered a situation where Longview couldn't be installed or run due to a lack of resources on the Linode. It will vary a bit depending on the configuration of the Linode and it's relative traffic, but we certainly don't expect it to be very resource intensive at all.