is it possible to resize from a Standard Plan to a Dedicated CPU plan?

Hi, I´m new in linode and I wanted to know if is possible to resize from a Standard Plan to a Dedicated CPU plan?

Could I loss all my data in my linode if I resize the plan?

My actual plan is (Ubuntu 32gb ram 8cpu, 640gb storage)

And I wanted to resize to a Dedicated plan (8gb 4 cpu 160gb storage)

Thanks a lot.

1 Reply

Linode Staff

Welcome! It's absolutely possible to resize from a Standard to Dedicated CPU plan (and vice versa). Resizing involves disk migration, which always carries a small risk of encountering issues, though you could easily back up your Linode prior to resizing to be safe.

Given that your 32GB Linode plan presumably has a ~640GB disk, you'd first have to resize your Linode's disks so that they can fit within the 160GB allotment for the 8GB Dedicated CPU plan prior to switching plans (Cloud Manager will instruct you on this as well).


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