Linode Outage?

Hey there,

Did anyone else experience an outage from about 3:00am - 4:00am AEDT today? I was just looking through my Linode instances and it seems that at this time, all of them were down for about an hour. I use the term 'down' in the sense that all CPU Usage dropped to 0% and IPv4 was non-existent.

EDIT: I looking through the Linode status website but failed to see anything that related to my issue.


2 Replies

I just checked my sydney nodes, same gap. I'm guessing it was an outage with the graph service not my nodes itself.

Linode Staff

Thanks for reporting this issue, @Alan. As @crashbunny guessed, our internal statistics reporting service went down for a few minutes during this time frame, though this downtime manifested as a larger gap in the graphs. You can confirm whether there was any actual downtime on your Linodes by reviewing their jobs histories for unexpected reboot events and/or SSH'ing in to them and running uptime.

We generally only report major service outages on our status page — actual downtime for our customers on this scale certainly would have generated such reporting.


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