I don't have permission to create new linodes and/or any other new services

Currently my own account is used to manage some instances created by my customer, and I want to create additional instances (linodes) for myself but it shows "You don't have permissions to create a new Linode. Please contact an account administrator for details.". Who is the account administrator? how to contact? May I have my own account as an Administrator for my own company? How? Thanks

1 Reply

It sounds like you're currently logged in as a restricted user rather than the original, unrestricted user you created when you signed up.

To log in as an unrestricted user, click on your username in the top-right corner of Cloud Manager and select Log Out, then log back in with your original user name from the Login Page.

Once you're logged in from an unrestricted account, you'll be able to create new Linodes, as well as review your user accounts and their permissions settings.

Hope this helps!


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