IP Sharing is not working

we were testing ip sharing functions but it is not working as per expectation.

i have linode A and Linode B into same data center.

i have set linode B into Linode A's ip sharing option. when linode A goes for offline, linode a is not responding anymore. Linode B should response for Linode A Now. But when i am pinging by Linode A's IP it is not responding anymore. Do i need to setup any additional software like keepalived into both server?

AM i wrong?

1 Reply

Hey there! It sounds like you've mostly got IP sharing figured out. While you do need to configure it in Cloud Manager, you also need to set up an additional service on your Linodes themselves. The one we recommend is the one you identified: keepalived

We have a good guide for installing and setting up keepalived in our High Availability Website documentation.

I hope this helps point you in the right direction!


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