How do I press Ctrl-Alt-Del in Glish ?

I installed Windows on a Linode server, but I have to press Ctrl-Alt-Del to login.
How do I press Ctrl-Alt-Del in Glish ?

4 Replies

Linode Staff

Glish isn't totally compatible with Windows since it isn't an OS we directly support, but not to worry :) You can use something called Remote Desktop Protocol, or RDP, to connect to your Linode. The section of this guide labeled "Finishing Up & RDP" includes directions for initiating an RDP session from your local computer to your Linode. You'll then be connected remotely to the Linode and can use Windows from that remote session.

I have to log in to Windows to enable RDP.
Glish in your old web site has a button named "Ctrl-Alt-Del", I used to press this button to send ctrl-alt-del to Windows.
Now in your new website this button is gone. Will you get this button back ?

Linode Staff

You should be able to initiate RDP from your local computer. The steps to initiate this will depend on the operating system of your local computer:

For a Windows Host: Press the Windows Key + R and type "mstsc" then press enter.

For an OS X Host: Download the free Remote Desktop App from the App Store.

For a Linux Host: Install Remmina RDP client.

To clarify, you'll be initiating this connection from your local/physical computer. You can then input your Linode's IP address into the "Computer" prompt for the RDP to connect remotely. There are not currently plans to include this button in the current version of Glish. We do not offer support for the Windows operating system, so connecting via an RDP client is the recommended way to use a Linode running Windows.

Guys, the solution is very simple, first you must activate the sticky key by pressing shift a few times in a row, once this is done you must press one key at a time ctrl then alt and finally it cannot be all together, press one key and then press the other , I hope I helped because I see that no one else can do it and the majority must have given up


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