Contact Form 7 is giving me the error: "There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again"

Linode Staff

I'm using Wordpress and Contact Form 7 but it is displaying an error when submitting the form. The error message is "There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again". Are there any blocks in place that are preventing mail from being sent? Why am I getting this error code?

1 Reply

If you are attempting to send mail and your Linode account was created after November 5th, 2019, then your Linode might have network restrictions in place on port 25, 465, and 587 preventing the mail from being sent. More information regarding these network restrictions can be found here. If your Linode account was created prior to this date, then something else is occurring within the Linode which is preventing the mail from being sent.

After looking into this further, I found the following posts where others have also run into the problem.

One common thing to check would be the DNS settings for your domain, including the MX records and ensure that they are setup correctly. Another option that I found in this post ( instructs you to make changes to a php file located within your Wordpress installation.


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