Resizing Linode down time?

If I resize my Linode, will there be any significant down time? Will I need to re-start the server? Or is it all done automatically?

1 Reply

Hey @g3logic - the downtime will really depend on the size of your current Linode and how much information is on your disk.

When you resize your Linode, your server is shut down and moved to a new host. That being the case, a larger Linode will take longer to migrate than a smaller Linode. The shut down happens automatically during the resize process.

A couple things to keep in mind when resizing:

  • If you're sizing up, you should check the disk allocation meter on your Linode's "Advanced" tab to make sure your new extra space has been allocated to your disk after the resizing has completed.
  • If you're sizing down, you should double check to see how much space your current disk is using to make sure it will fit with the new plan. You can do this by running the df -h command from the Lish console or while connected to your Linode via SSH.

All the steps are laid out here in this guide:

Resizing a Linode

Hope that answers your question!


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