Unscheduled shutdown

Did anything happen on host 42 recently? My Linode was powered off, and not by me. I was running about 5 minutes earlier then suddenly it was powered off.



4 Replies

ssh username@hostXX.linode.com logview

That'll show you if your Linode's kernel paniced…


Humm, all I get is quick replay of the 'top' process I running under LISH with an uptime of 6 days, then a flash and my linode's boot text…

Is there any way to control the replay?

Never mind, it's back up and running now.


Yes, pipe it into a file and view with "less"…

ssh username@hostXX.linode.com logview > console.txt


Cunning :-)

andrew@indiegigs ~ $ Kernel panic - not syncing: Kernel mode fault at addr 0x864
00000, ip 0x402e1ff6
  deactivate_all_fds failed, errno = 9
Checking that ptrace can change system call numbers...OK
Checking syscall emulation patch for ptrace...OK
Checking advanced syscall emulation patch for ptrace...OK
Checking PROT_EXEC mmap in /tmp...OK
Checking for the skas3 patch in the host:
  - /proc/mm...found
  - PTRACE_LDT...found
UML running in SKAS3 mode

Yep, it was a kernel panic alright. I'd always laughed at those poor fools on hosts 40 and 51 - damn you karma!



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