Can receive but not send mail (from client software)

I took my time setting up my server. I used certbot to generate site certificates, and I had email working (sending and receiving) with DKIM. A week or so ago I ran into a cerbot problem. In short, the certificates would not renew because I had been changing the domains in use. At the same time, email stopped working properly. I have since sorted out the domain name problem and I have rotated DKIM email certificates. The problem now is I can receive mail but not send. Apparently this is not an uncommon problem but I've looked into the issues and can find nothing catastrophic.

I checked the mail.log immediately after attempting to send postfix/submission/smtpd[23892]: warning: cannot get RSA certificate from file "/etc/letsencrypt/live/": disabling TLS support and notice the path to the fullchain.pem is wrong.

Can this be updated automatically using certbot or let's encrypt. If so, how? On the other hand, what file(s) might I edit manually to bring the system up to date?

Thank you.

Note. verifies sending from the command line is good.

2 Replies

Hey there,

You can specify the correct path in your /etc/postfix/


    smtpd_tls_CAfile = /path/to/.pem
    smtpd_tls_CApath = /path/to/certs

We weren't able to locate documentation with LetsEncrypt on doing this another way or automatically. This documentation on Postfix TLS Support will offer more detailed information for you.

We hope that helps.

Tara T
Linode Support Team

Thank you, Tara. That got it working. The path had changed. The next step will be to figure out where and why it went wrong. I have ideas but best to trace it through thoroughly. For now, at least it's working again.


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