Account Limit reached. Please open a support ticket.

i want more servers,how i can do

the web show
Account Limit reached. Please open a support ticket.

4 Replies

Hey there,

What happened here is that you hit an account limit that we place on new accounts to help prevent fraudulent activity on our platform.

Normally, we require a few months of positive billing history on an account before we will consider an account limit increase. You can open a support ticket to give us an idea of how many servers you need, and of what size, what they will be used for, as well as some information on why the smaller, currently available plans, would not suffice for your needs. That will be helpful in our determination.

If you have any additional questions or if you need anything else please let us know.

Tara T
Linode Support Team

Account Limit reached. Please open a support ticket.

I have generated Multiple Ticket to solve this problem but not reply from linode end.

Hey @myofferplant,

We were able to locate your account and just updated your ticket. You can check your Tickets Page in Cloud Manager for the updates.

I needed a server and the requirements are RAM: 16 GB, CPU: 8 Cores, Storage: 320 GB SSD, Transfer: 6 TB, Network In: 40 Gbps, Network Out: 6000 Mbps
I am going to run an e-commerce platform plus other portals so I don't see any good reason why I should not buy a bigger server at once.


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