How do I setup rDNS for my IPv6 pool? (Cloud Manager v0.77.0)

Linode Staff

I was given a /64 IPv6 range and I need to setup reverse DNS. Next to my Linode's SLAAC IPv6 address in the Network tab of my Linode's Dashboard, I have an ellipsis icon, which says "Edit rDNS".

The ellipsis icon next to my /64 does not have this option. How do I set the rDNS for an address in the IPv6 range?

3 Replies

The first thing that you will need to do is make sure that forward resolution works. You will not be able to point for an address at a domain name until it be confirmed that it points back (it might need to be set with an AAAA record, but a CNAME /may/ work. Once forward resolution has propagated (this could happen immediately or take as long as was set in your previous TTL (Time to Live)), you will then be ready to set reverse DNS.

I think there are two ways to set rDNS for Linode IPv6 addresses, you can use the Classic Manager, or you can use the API:

Setting rDNS using the Classic Manager (easiest)

You can do this by logging into the Classic Linode Manager and

  • I think you can select any Linode in the same datacenter as your IPv6 Pool and go to the "Remote Access" tab.
  • Click rDNS (It will show rDNS details about whatever addresses belong to the Linode you clicked on, but we can ignore that since we are setting rDNS for an address from your pool).
  • In the box that says hostname, under "Perform a forward Lookup", just type the fully qualified domain name that actively resolves to this IPv6 address.
  • You will then get options to set rDNS on all the hosts that the fqdn resolves to.

Once you set the rDNS it may take up to 24 hours (+15 minutes) for the changes to propagate on the internet.

Setting rDNS using the API

If you do not already have an access token to use the API, In, in the upper right corner of the page, click on your username and go to "My Profile". Then click on API Tokens -> [+] Add a Personal Access Token. Call it what ever you want and enable "Read/Write" access for IPs.

Go to the following page which gives an example of a command line you can use from your Linode to setup the rDNS (replace the relevant portions of the request such as your token, domain name, and IPv6 address [You may need to enclose the IPv6 address in square brackets]:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
    -X PUT -d '{
      "rdns": ""
    }' \

For a full API reference, see

Linode Staff

Update: Our Classic Manager has reached EoL and is no longer accessible.

This functionality does now exist in Cloud Manager.

  • Ensure forward DNS for the hostname -> IP is set up and working
  • Find your /64 pool in your Linode’s Networking tab
  • Click the … menu and select “Edit RDNS”
  • Enter the address within your pool you want to set reverse DNS for
  • Enter the hostname to set as the IP’s reverse name
  • Click Save


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