How do I install libunistring-devel on CentOS 8?
Linode Staff
I deployed a Linode with CentOS 8. I tried to install the following package:
yum info libunistring-devel
yum install libunistring-devel
Both commands fail because neither could find the package:
No match for argument: libunistring-devel
Error: Unable to find a match
However, this wasn't the case on my Linode running CentOS 7. What's changed, and how do I install the package?
1 Reply
I found the package libunistring-devel
in the CentOS repositories for both CentOS 7 and CentOS 8. What's important to note is the repository from which they are installed. CentOS 7 provides this package in the base CentOS
repo, while CentOS 8 provides it in CentOS PowerTools
So, to install this package on CentOS 8, run:
dnf --enablerepo=PowerTools install libunistring-devel
Though, for the lazy, the CentOS online repository has the same command under the Install Howto section on the package page.