Failed to connect, SFTP, Cyberduck

I can't seem to log-in based on the username and password I created for my Linode account. Help.

1 Reply

I see you mentioned you're trying to connect using the credentials you made for your Linode account. Please make sure that you're using the credentials created specifically for the Linode you're trying to connect to, and not the credentials used to access the Cloud Manager (they are usually different). For example, you may need to connect via Cyberduck with root as the username and the root password used when you created your Linode.

If you're still experiencing issues, you should try connecting to your Linode via SSH to ensure accessibility. SSH and SFTP use the same protocol so, if one works then, the other should as well. This can be checked with the following command through your local computer's terminal.

ssh root@[ip.address]

If you have root login restricted, or are using a different port for ssh, this command will need to be modified.

After confirming your SSH access, there are three main things you'll want to check in your Cyberduck settings.

  • Exact IP address of the Linode you want to connect to
  • Correct Username and Password (or Private Key) used to access the Linode
  • Confirm SFTP and Port 22 are selected (Port 22 is used for SFTP)

We also have a guide that outlines the process for performing File Transfers with Cyberduck. The guide is a bit outdated, but I just followed it myself and was able to successfully connect to my Linode via SFTP with Cyberduck.

If you follow our Securing Your Server guide, then you will have a more secure method of accessing your Linode by using a public/private keys. Through this guide, you will set up hardened access and verify your SSH connectivity with the limited user.

Hope this helps.


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