Xen Beta Gotchas and Known Issues

Linode Staff

I'll maintain this list until everything is resolved…


Not all my disk devices are mounting, swap is missing, or things in /proc/partitions don't match what's in your config profile.


Keep rebooting until you see all your devices in /proc/partitions. I've got an email into the xen mailing list, awaiting response.




Checking root filesystem
[/sbin/fsck.ext3 (1) -- /] fsck.ext3 -a /dev/hda1
/dev/hda1 is mounted.  e2fsck: Cannot continue, aborting.


*** An error occurred during the file system check.
*** Dropping you to a shell; the system will reboot
*** when you leave the shell.
Give root password for maintenance
(or type Control-D to continue):


Make sure that the "read-only" flag is set in your configuration profile.

The migration routine is supposed to do this for you, but sometimes it's missing still. Looking into it.




1 Reply

The read-only flag setting has been fixed, as well as the missing devices issue.

I'd appreciate a report if either of these still happen for someone.

Currently, there are no outstanding issues with Xen :)



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