Xen Public Beta

Linode Staff

It's official. The Public Xen Beta has started!

How can I participate in the Xen beta test?

You may register for the Xen Public Beta by logging into the LPM and using the Xen Public Beta Registration page located off the "My Account" subtab (link is here: https://www.linode.com/members/xenbeta.cfm).

We will configure a migration to a Xen host which you can execute at your leisure. Migrating moves your Linode's disk images, config profiles, and IP addresses to the new host. The migration is seamless.

NOTE: The beta test will be conducted on machines in our Fremont datacenter. If you are on a Dallas Linode (hosts1-8, 27-55) and still want to participate your IP address(es) will change.

What would you like us to test during the beta?

Our Xen implementation has been in development (off and on) for over a year, so it's well tested and mostly feature complete. While I don't anticipate any bugs, the point of the beta test is to prove that.

Our focus will be mainly on performance and resource fairness. Xen has some sophisticated tools to weigh the scheduling of CPU time, and we'll be using the ionice feature of the CFQ disk scheduler instead of the token-limiter patch that I wrote for UML. All that needs to be tested. Mainly, I want you to continue using your Linode as you did – under normal, production loads.

When will the Xen Public Beta end, and what happens then?

The beta test is open ended. It won't be until we're confident in all aspects of Life Under Xen (functionality, performance, reliability, etc) that we'll end the beta.

During the beta test, Linodes of different plans will be on the same host. Once the beta test ends, some of you will need to migrate off onto production Xen boxes with other Xen Linodes of the same plan. That will be another one-click migration.

I found a bug, where should I report it?

Post a new thread in this forum. That way, we can verify and track any bugs that are found.

Is there a Linode-Xenbeta IRC channel?

Yup. #linode-xenbeta on OFTC.


Are there any new customer-facing features

There are two new Filesystem Helpers. One that automagically disables /lib/tls on reboot, and one that converts your /etc/fstab and /etc/inittab for use with Xen. Both of these run at boot time, and can be disabled in your configuration profile.

Wait a second. I thought Xen could use NPTL!

It can, but with a slight performance hit. Feel free to turn off the "disable /lib/tls" helper and move /lib/tls.disabled/ back to /lib/tls.

Will there be 2.4 and 2.6 Xen kernels?

Xen 3.0 only supports Linux-2.6.

What doesn't work yet?

Finnix support and initrd support are in development. UPDATE: These are both working.


If there are other questions, please let me know and I'll add them to this announcement.



1 Reply

I've just completed Finnix and initrd support.

Xen is feature complete!



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