Linode Object Storage is here!

Linode Staff

Linode Object Storage has arrived! We built Linode Object Storage to make it easier and more affordable for developers to manage unstructured data such as content assets, as well as sophisticated and data-intensive storage challenges around artificial intelligence and machine learning.

For examples, instructions, and guidance, check out our documentation:

Linode Object Storage is S3-compatible, highly available, and easily scalable storage for any of your backup, big data and data archiving needs. There's no need to have or use a Linode virtual machine to benefit from storing your files or expanding your capacity. It's currently available in our Newark data center and will roll out to our remaining data centers starting in the months to come.

Plans start at $5/mo for 250GB, are limited to 1TB in outbound transfer and up to 100,000 objects, and scale up to 10TB.

BONUS: New customers can sign up with a $20 credit towards the first few months of service with the code OBJECT20.

Questions? Feedback? Drop them below!

6 Replies

Each Object Storage key pair on your Linode account has complete access to all of the buckets on your account.

Are per bucket permissions on the roadmap?

I quickly enabled object storage, and very quickly disabled it after seeing this.

Are per bucket permissions on the roadmap?

This is something we're looking into, but I don't have anything specific on if/when it would be available. I definitely see how it would be beneficial.

Would it be useful to be able to make keys that only work in one cluster (i.e. us-east-1) but can access all buckets there? What if bucket-level permissions were added, but could only be used through or the Linode API? I am aware that the ideal is that you could create a keypair that only has access to one bucket, I'm just trying to gauge the value in alternatives that could live alongside that.

I'd guess you'll be bringing this to European nodes at some point?! Are you able to share any brand details of a timeline?

This is awesome!

Related question: I presume this isn't going to be as fast as a CDN. But would be sweet if it were. Are you working on those? I'm interested.

Thinking about using Object Storage as data backup, this is my question:

Is the data in object storage encrypted? If the answer is yes, can I use my own encryption keys?


@kwe - There's no timeline yet, but we'll be posting any and all updates about future plans on our blog.

@skyguy - This is something we're currently looking at, and I've added your request to our internal feature tracker. :)

@el22 - That's a really good idea! The data isn't encrypted automatically, but you can encrypt it upon upload using the s3cmd utility. Here's our guide on using s3cmd with Object Storage:

How to Use Linode Object Storage: s3cmd

Otherwise, key pairs for Object Storage are currently generated through the Cloud Manager using the "Access Keys" tab once your bucket is created. Our guide also goes through those steps here:

Generate a Key Pair


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