Upgrade my Linode plan without downtime?
Hello! I'm wondering how can I upgrade my Linode's plan without downtime?
I'm experiencing high traffic and may need to upgrade soon, but I would like to completely prevent downtime. Could you please explain how to do this?
1 Reply
While there is not a way to directly upgrade your Linode's plan without experiencing any downtime, you can always spin up a new Linode using the higher plan, configure it, and then swap IP addresses between them by following the instructions in our guide. Just make sure that the new Linode is in the same datacenter, or you won't be able to swap addresses between them. It's worth noting that there will be a charge for the second Linode, but as our billing is hourly, you would only be charged extra for the time that there are 2 Linodes present on the account. Once you've confirmed the new Linode is working and deleted the old one, billing for that Linode will end.