Using IPTables?

I just got my very own linode, and I'm happily running Ubuntu 5.10 with the latest 2.6 kernel. However, when I try and use iptables, I get the following error:

~> iptables –list -n

iptables v1.3.1: can't initialize iptables table `filter': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)

Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.

I get this error whenever I try and use any iptable command. Am I forgetting to do something totally obvious?

5 Replies

Try mv /lib/tls /lib/tls-disabled

UML doesn't support NPTL (and, as consequence of this, TLS), which sometimes causes weirdness like you are experiencing.

Are you sure the IPTables process is running?


Are you sure the IPTables process is running?
Huh? Iptables isn't a process - it's either compiled into the kernel or is loaded as kernel modules.


Huh? Iptables isn't a process - it's either compiled into the kernel or is loaded as kernel modules.

You're right, I shouldn't post before my first cup of coffee.


You're right, I shouldn't post before my first cup of coffee.

Understood - you're forgiven :-)


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