Understanding single ~20mb public inbound spike on ipv6

I am a new to Linode (love it) and am seeing a ~20mb public inbound spike that happened last night on ipv6. Is this normal? And if not, is there any way to see what was going on after the fact?

1 Reply

It's somewhat difficult to provide a concrete answer on whether this type of spike would be considered normal without a deeper understanding of what you're using your Linode for. It's also difficult to analyze traffic without a monitoring service or solution that was installed prior to the traffic spike.

You may benefit from reviewing your services' access logs to see if they're able to provide further insight.

You may also benefit from installing a network monitoring tool to allow you to analyze traffic as it occurs. I typically use tcpdump and iftop to monitor incoming and outgoing traffic in real time, but you can also review other options.


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