Problem resetting cPanel password

Linode Staff

I can't login to my cPanel. I tried a password reset but it doesn't accept my email address. How else can I reset the password and login?

1 Reply

There are a couple other methods of resetting cPanel account passwords.


Access the Web Host Manager (WHM) by visiting your IP address at port 2087 in your web browser. Login as root using your Linode's root password, and then navigate to Home >> Account Information >> List Accounts. Click the plus sign (+) next to the cPanel account and you’ll see a password change field in the dropdown, as well as the option to change the contact email address (if needed for future password resets).

Command Line:

To the operating system, cPanel accounts are just standard non-root users. If you can login via ssh, simply use the passwd command.

Replace $IPADDRESS with your Linode’s actual IP address and $USER with your cPanel account/username.

ssh root@$IPADDRESS "passwd $USER"

You should be all set!


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