Get my account approved ?!?

Hi Support

My Account was flagged and not approved. What are the advised next setups in getting an account approved? Please help.



Thank you for your interest in Linode. Unfortunately, we are unable to complete your
registration and the account you attempted to create has been cancelled. Your initial
deposit has already been refunded to your payment card and should appear within 3-5
business days. If you do not see your refund after five business days, please reach
out to your financial institution for more information.

We are sorry that your account could not be activated at this time. Here are some
suggestions on how you can possibly avoid Linode registration issues in the future:

1. Make sure all of the information you enter at signup is accurate. The account
name and address should correspond to the cardholder who is financially responsible
for the account.

2. If you used a VPN to create your account, try to sign up without a VPN. Some VPNs
have a history of being used for fraudulent or illicit activity, which may have caused
your account to be flagged as high risk.

3. There is no restriction on the number of Linode accounts you may have. However, if
we determine that you are creating multiple accounts in an attempt to bypass restrictions
or limits on an existing account, we may prevent you from creating new accounts.

If you believe you have received this message in error, or if you any questions or concerns,
please contact us at

We appreciate your understanding.

The Linode Team

2 Replies

I'd recommend making sure that all of the information provided in your signup matches up with the information on your payment card. In addition, if you tried signing up with any VPN or proxy, try turning them off when you sign up again.

Once you sign up again feel free to open up a ticket or reach out to us at and we'll be happy to take a look.

Here are my advised next steps:

  1. Make sure all of the information you enter at signup is accurate. The account
    name and address should correspond to the cardholder who is financially responsible
    for the account.

  2. If you used a VPN to create your account, try to sign up without a VPN. Some VPNs
    have a history of being used for fraudulent or illicit activity, which may have caused
    your account to be flagged as high risk.

  3. There is no restriction on the number of Linode accounts you may have. However, if
    we determine that you are creating multiple accounts in an attempt to bypass restrictions
    or limits on an existing account, we may prevent you from creating new accounts.


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