Switch from Debian 3.1 to Ubuntu 5.10?

Hey All,

I don't know if this is a huge undertaking, but I'd like to switch my node from Debian 3.1 to Ubuntu 5.10. Is there a relatively easy way to do this? Unfortunately I have a webserver and mailserver running, so I'd like to minimize downtime as much as possible.

In reality I would need to take down my node, setup a new configuration profile for Ubuntu, then start it up, configure everything and migrate my data (website data, etc) over. Would that be correct? I assume it would, which would indicate a potentially long (hours) downtime period.

1 Reply

Have you checked out backports.org? Maybe you can just get the newer packages you need there, and stick with Debian stable otherwise. That's been a winning strategy for me.

You may already be well aware of the options; if so, sorry. I don't have particular knowledge of Debian->Ubuntu conversions.


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