Anyone played with VServer kernels at all?

I've been looking at Linux VServer kernels for a little while (not necessarily for my linode), and I was just wondering if anyone had any experience with them as a "jailing" option of sorts.

It looks like some pretty neat stuff, but I don't really want to dive into playing with these without asking around first. ;)

As a side note, happy Pi day.

3 Replies

It's really cool - easier to setup than UML (the toughest part is to build and install a custom kernel). There's almost no overhead (additional memory and CPU usage).

I'm currently using an old version vserver at home; one vserver handles email, another vserver handles incoming ssh and http sessions. Works adequately. With my old version there is some information leak (eg ifconfig -a shows all IP addresses) and TUN/TAP doesn't work, but it's pretty good, otherwise.

Things have been changed a lot since I installed my old version; those issues may have been fixed.

I think I'm gonna have to end up using UMLs or such instead of vservers because the vservers seem to do some funny stuff with the network interfaces that throws some packages off. Shrug


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