FTP Permission Denied

I have vsftpd installed on my Linode and I have previously been able to upload files into my users home directory, but am now getting a permission denied error?

What could be causing this as I don't think I have even changed my configuration in that time?

Any Ideas?


2 Replies

Are you able to log in to that account through SSH (or via the LISH console)? You should make sure that the permissions are correctly set on the home directory.

If you really have changed nothing, though, you might need to investigate if your system has been compromised.

Yes that was my initial concern, but I am fairly certain that this hasn't happened and I can login via ssh and all the directorys are writable. I have logwatch notify me every day and I have seen nothing out of the ordinary, I'm not running awstats or phpmyadmin because of the security holes, I'm very puzzled and a little concerned, but will look into it further.



This write variable in vsftp.conf was disabled, I think I fiddled with that a while ago, but I am fairly confident that if my box was hacked that people would not be making it harder to write files :) but it's good because now I can ftp files. Gonna keep and eye on things though.



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