Easiest total disk storage usage

What is the easiest way to see our total disk storage usage? This info wasn't clear on the Linode Manager site, though logging in through PuTTy we could quickly see our storage was full using the df command at the prompt. Thank you-

1 Reply

It sounds like you're already on the right track. Using the df command with "-h" can display the output in a human readable format. If you apply the "-a" flag, that will display all file systems as well as disk and memory usage.

df -a

Filesystem     1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
sysfs                  0       0         0    - /sys
proc                   0       0         0    - /proc
udev              472736       0    472736   0% /dev
devpts                 0       0         0    - /dev/pts
tmpfs             100888    5796     95092   6% /run
/dev/sda        25230876 2451880  21478120  11% /
securityfs             0       0         0    - /sys/kernel/security
tmpfs             504428       0    504428   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs               5120       0      5120   0% /run/lock
tmpfs             504428       0    504428   0% /sys/fs/cgroup

To get an output displaying your disk partitions and usage, you can try the "pydf" command.


Filesystem Size  Used Avail  Use%                          Mounted on
/dev/sda    24G 2394M   20G   9.7 [##....................] /
/dev/loop0  55M   55M     0 100.0 [######################] /snap/core18/1074
/dev/loop4  55M   55M     0 100.0 [######################] /snap/core18/1098
/dev/loop3  55M   55M     0 100.0 [######################] /snap/core18/1144
/dev/loop1  10M   10M     0 100.0 [######################] /snap/linode-cli/26
/dev/loop2  10M   10M     0 100.0 [######################] /snap/linode-cli/28

Similarly, the "lsblk" command will show your disk in terms of the storage blocks, including your swap image.


loop0   7:0    0 54.4M  1 loop /snap/core18/1074
loop1   7:1    0  9.5M  1 loop /snap/linode-cli/26
loop2   7:2    0  9.7M  1 loop /snap/linode-cli/28
loop3   7:3    0 54.4M  1 loop /snap/core18/1144
loop4   7:4    0 54.4M  1 loop /snap/core18/1098
sda     8:0    0 24.5G  0 disk /
sdb     8:16   0  512M  0 disk [SWAP]

Finally, the du command will display disk usage of specific files and directories. you can add the -h flag to get a more concise output:

du -h

4.0K    ./.cache
4.0K    ./.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d
8.0K    ./.gnupg
4.0K    ./snap/linode-cli/26
4.0K    ./snap/linode-cli/common
4.0K    ./snap/linode-cli/28
16K    ./snap/linode-cli
20K    ./snap
152K    ./cli-master/lib/Linode/CLI/Object
196K    ./cli-master/lib/Linode/CLI
232K    ./cli-master/lib/Linode
24K    ./cli-master/lib/WebService/Linode
52K    ./cli-master/lib/WebService
288K    ./cli-master/lib
456K    ./cli-master
572K    .

There are many commands and flags that can be run to understand your disk in terms of space and usage, but these are a great start. If you'd like to learn more, I'd recommend reviewing some online linux resources like Tecmint.com. Good Luck!


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