Postfix/Courier-{imap,pop} + VirtualHosting + filter rules.


My existing set up is something along the following lines:

Virtual Accounts, stored in mysql

all accounts are stored on the hdd in the format


now this works fine, i use courier imap/pop and the ssl/non-ssl version of this without any hassles either and all is good :)

What i want to do is be able to set up server side filtering for each user. For the moment im not concerned with where to store the file and how each user is going to access it, im more concerned with how in gods name do i get maildrop or something simular to work with it

Courier-maildrop doesnt support virtual hosting atleast not the .4x series. Neither does the standard maildrop, not that i can find anyway Courier .5x supports virtual users but the .5 strain still hasnt left expereimental on debian and im not really inclined to run something that is in experemental.

Does anyone know of a way of implementing this that works with virtual users or do i just have to grin and bear it and wait til the .5x strain makes its way down to testing?



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