Installing Longview - can't select Yes/No

I'm on a brand new linode - ubuntu 18.04 - and want to install Longview. The script runs okay:

curl -s<API KEY> | sudo bash

It reaches:

Configuring libssl1.1:amd64 and asks if I want the system to restart automatically - Yes/No

I can't select an answer to continue. Left and right arrows produce ^[[D and ^[[C so I get stuck.

I've installed it fine on other linodes, but not this one. Tried PuTTY and linode's console…

Tried all the answers I can find searching :)


7 Replies

I've installed it fine on other linodes, but not this one. Tried PuTTY and linode's console…

Were the other Linodes also Ubuntu 18.04?

It reaches:

Configuring libssl1.1:amd64 and asks if I want the system to restart automatically - Yes/No

I can't select an answer to continue. Left and right arrows produce ^[[D and ^[[C so I get stuck.

The same thing happened to me when I tried to replicate this on Ubuntu 18.04. It looks like there is a workaround for this, though. Working off this post, I added DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive to my install script and it skipped the interactive Configuring libssl1.1:amd64 menu. Give this a try:

curl -s<API KEY> | sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive bash

@jcardillo that worked perfectly :) yes the other linodes were 18.04, but all is well now. Thanks for your help!

The interactive prompts are still not responding to user input on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and it is currently 4 years and 3 months after this post was first made and responded to by Linode staff. Will this bug be fixed or is this considered a "won't fix" at this point?

I just tried to replicate this issue on a fresh Ubuntu 22.04LTS instance and didn't get the same behavior. Longview installed without asking for a restart. Can I ask if you ran system updates before installing Longview? This may have had an effect but I can't be sure.

Since this can't be reproduced on a default Ubuntu image and has a workaround that has been previously reported as working, I don't think this is something that warrants further investigation on our side. It may have something to do with libssl1.1:amd64 which I didn't see being affected when I installed Longview using curl.

Hi tlambert,

Most importantly, this IS reproducible and I've done it several times over the past month on several brand-new instances with Ubuntu 22.04LTS. This was also a problem with 20.04LTS and 18.04LTS.

When it reaches "Which services should be restarted?", anything entered on the keyboard just writes over the colored GUI like "^[[D^[[A^[[C^[[A^[[B^[[D^[[4~^[[1~^[[4~^[[B^[[B^[[B^[[A^[[A". The tab key doesn't do anything.

This has been broken since at least 18.04LTS and was first reported almost 5 years ago. That's half a decade. This is not fixed and warrants further investigation on your side, as well as a patch to fix this very obvious bug.

Also, please don't be so dismissive in your response next time. The workaround is a hack, not proof of bug free software.

Linode Staff

@seanlathan - Ok, I hear you and I appreciate the feedback. I didn't mean to be dismissive. I tried to recreate the issue using the longview installation instructions from my terminal and it didn't work.

If you can give me step-by-step instructions of what you are doing to get this behavior to occur, I will follow them and see if I get the same outcome. What terminal are you using? What packages have you installed prior to Longview? Are you installing using the automatic or manual installation?

If I can recreate the issue, I will submit the issue as a bug to our Administrators. However, I can't give an ETA on if/when there will be a fix.

Hi @seanlathan @tlambert

I encountered the same issue and wanted to provide some details and a workaround for your reference.

To work around this issue, you need to install Longview manually. The command mentioned previously did not work, but manual installation allows the GUI to function as expected.

How to Replicate:
Install Ubuntu with CyberPanel via the marketplace (Note: This installation is currently broken, it does not allow you to create websites).
Run the Longview autoinstall: It will prompt you to restart for the Apache status page, which is when the bug occurs.
Workaround: If you run the installation manually, the issue does not occur.
Hope this helps!


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