Massproductions VAT

Hi. We're receiving invoices with VAT added. Since we are not a US based company we can not retrieve this VAT in any way. Would it be possible for you to invoice us without VAT instead. Our EU registration no is SE556625701901 (if that would help).

Thanks / Magnus

1 Reply

Magnus (@massproductions) - Yes, to avoid being charged VAT you'll need to add your EU registration No. to your 'Account' tab > under the 'Billing Info' section > by clicking the 'Update Contact Information' dropdown here:

This is also outlined in our Tax Information guide:

Once your VAT ID is verified you will no longer be charged VAT on your Linode invoices.

If you need to collect back what you paid you'll need to contact the SE tax authority so they can remit this to you.

Let us know if you have any more questions!


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