Online resizing of volumes

According to - resizing an attached volume without restarting the linode isn't possible. Which is a pity, because allowing online resizing would save us from waiting for a maintenance window.

Is support for online resizing on the roadmap already? Or has anyone found a workaround for it?

(I've tried all the usual (i)scsi rescan commands but no luck, and for production I don't dare playing with freezing volumes/containers and de/reattaching them)

1 Reply

Is support for online resizing on the roadmap already?

I checked and confirmed this is not currently on our roadmap.

Or has anyone found a workaround for it?

To avoid needing to restart your Linode during the resize you can do the following (I replicated this personally, but I'd recommend testing it on a non-production Linode first).

Note: we are currently working to address an issue that occurs when detaching disks from a running Linode which causes your Linode to Lassie Reboot. So while the below steps would work in theory, if you don't want your Linode to reboot during this process you'll need to wait until we address this particular issue, which should be soon.

Here are the specific steps:

  1. Unmount your disk:

    umount /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0Linode_Volume_BlockStorage1
  2. Detach the volume through

  3. Resize

  4. Reattach

  5. Extend the volume:

    e2fsck -f /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0Linode_Volume_BlockStorage1
  6. Mount the volume:

    mount "/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0Linode_Volume_BlockStorage1" "/mnt/BlockStorage1"

From here, if you run df -h you'll see your Block Storage volume attached with the new, increased size.


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