I live in a VAT/GST exempted country. How do I ensure I’m not charged extra on my invoice?

Linode Staff

If I live in a VAT exempt region of the EU, how do I remove the VAT from my account?

1 Reply

Since July, Linode has been collecting Value Added Tax from customers living in EU nations. Starting in October (September billing cycle), Goods and Services Tax will be collected from our customers in Australia and India. However, many customers live in VAT/GST exempt regions of these nations. If you are one such customer, you must make sure that your sign up information reflects this to keep these taxes from being needlessly collected.

To stay VAT/GST exempt, go to your Linode Manager's Account section and keep your Country field as is, but change the State field to your region's abbreviation. For example, customers living in the Canary Islands would keep the Country field as ES, but they would change the State field to CN. This will keep our system from adding VAT or GST to your invoice. Also, be aware that Linode may collect the VAT/GST but we cannot refund these taxes. You would need to contact your tax authority to receive a refund.


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